Thursday, March 22, 2007

Literature Maps

Literary Cartography (of sorts).


Anonymous said...

What author would you suggest I look up Dave? You know for a good read lol

Unknown said...

hey mr. neal. a good read you say. well my default is always dostoevsky. crime and punishment is probably the place to start. to be honest i don't have a good handle on recent fiction. i would suggest looking at the posts on on the link "ring the bell" on the right column and see if the bottom of his posts have a "currently reading" section. he's much hipper than i am. how's the nursing industry treating you?

Anonymous said...

You're damn skippy I'm much hipper than you. If I could suggest one book it would be The Thin Place by Kathryn Davis. Fantastic from the go. Loaded with ideas, humour, and atmosphere, plus finishes with a great ending. It's ultra hip and published only last year, so you can be the first of your friends to read it! Or you could just go with my default pick: one of Marilynne Robinson's two novels.

hineini said...

when it comes to current fiction and I want to sound cool I mention Zadie Smith. "The Autograph Man" is funny, sparse (if you like that), an full of those delightful Jewishnesses. Haven't found a cheap version of "White Teeth" yet but I'm looking. I also put in another vote for Dostoyevsky but I go with "The Idiot".

Anonymous said...

You're plenty hip there Dave. I've always liked your taste in books but I will look into that one that blade spoke about! Nursing is burning me out right now so much to do in so little time to do anything else, but my marks have improved dramatically. Schools almost done so expect some nice long emails from me okay

Unknown said...

i found "white teeth" at value village, not quite finished though. great sense of humour.