Friday, April 04, 2008

Preface to Theology and Gendered Ministry

“The first thing that strikes the careless observer is that women are unlike men. They are the “opposite sex” (though why opposite I do not know; what is the “neighbouring sex”?). But the fundamental thing is that women are more like men than anything else in the world.”
- Dorothy L. Sayers

“The number 1 issue that doesn’t seem to be addressed in the United States in churches is men connecting with men. What we need, who we are, what motivates us and drives us is completely different. We have a whole new idea and whole new concept something that is so dangerous that to create a revolution we can’t do it the same way anymore. That’s why we’ve created an event called GodMen where men can be fully men raw, uninhibited and completely free to express themselves in the uniquely male way that only men understand.”
- Brad Stine founder of GodMen

“What I see as a manifestation of sexual liberation is God made a couple: Man and woman and not simply God made man. Might Christ be the harbinger of this living reality? Why is his sexual incarnation denied or else treated on a human plane alone?”
- Luce Irigaray

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave, here is a clip on gendered theology for you: